1、 Yong Ma, Jun Chen, Chen Chen, Fan Fan, and Jiayi Ma. "Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Total Variation Model", Neurocomputing, 2016, In Press.
2、 Chang Li, Yong Ma, Xiaoguang Mei, Chengyin Liu, and Jiayi Ma. "Hyperspectral Image Classification with Robust Sparse Representation", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2016, In Press.
3、 Jinhui Han, Yong Ma, Jun Huang, Xiaoguang Mei, and Jiayi Ma. "An Infrared Small Target Detecting Algorithm Based on Human Visual System", IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13(3), pp. 452-456, Mar. 2016.
4、 J. Han, Y. Ma, J. Huang, X. Mei and J. Ma, "An Infrared Small Target Detecting Algorithm Based on Human Visual System," in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 13.3(2016), 452-456
5、 Ma J, Chen C, Li C, et al. Infrared and visible image fusion via gradient transfer and total variation minimization[J]. Information Fusion, 2016, 31: 100-109.
6、 Xiaoguang Mei, Yong Ma, Fan Fan, Chang Li, Chengyin Liu, Jun Huang, and Jiayi Ma. "Infrared ultraspectral signature classification based on restricted Boltzmann machine with sparse and prior constraints", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(18),pp. 4724-4747, Oct.2015.
7、 Chang Li, Yong Ma, Jun Huang, Xiaoguang Mei, and Jiayi Ma. "Hyperspectral image denoising using the robust low-rank tensor recovery", JOSA A, 32(9), pp. 1604-1612, Sept. 2015.
8、 Xiaoguang Mei, Yong Ma, Chang Li, Fan Fan, Jun Huang, and Jiayi Ma. "A Real-Time Infrared Ultraspectral Signature Classification Method via Spatial Pyramid Matching", Sensors, 15(7), pp. 15868-15887, Jul. 2015.
9、 Jiayi Ma, Yong Ma, Ji Zhao, and Jinwen Tian. "Image Feature Matching via Progressive Vector Field Consensus", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 22(6), pp. 767-771, Jun. 2015 (PDF).
10、 Jiayi Ma, Weichao Qiu, Ji Zhao, Yong Ma, Alan L. Yuille, and Zhuowen Tu. "Robust L2E Estimation of Transformation for Non-Rigid Registration", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 63(5), pp. 1115-1129, Mar. 2015 (PDF) (code).
11、 Jiayi Ma, Ji Zhao, Yong Ma, and Jinwen Tian. "Non-rigid visible and infrared face registration via regularized Gaussian fields criterion", Pattern Recognition, 48(3), pp. 772-784, Mar. 2015 (PDF) (code).
12、 Fan Fan, Yong Ma*, Jun Huang, Zhe Liu, Chengyin Liu, A combined temporal and spatial deghosting technique in LMS scene based nonuniformity correction, Infrared Physics and Technology, 2015, 71: 408-415.
13、 Jun Huang, Yong Ma, Fan Fan*, Xiaoguang Mei, Zhe Liu, A Scene-Based Nonuniformity Correction Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Logic, Optical Review, 2015, 19: 614-622.
14、 Fan Fan, Yong Ma*, Bo Zhou, Yu Fang, Jinhui Han, Zhe Liu, A Scene Based Nonuni-formity Correction Algorithm for Line Scanning Infrared Image, Optical Review, 2014, 6(21): 778-786.
15、 Han, JH (Han, Jinhui); Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Fan, F (Fan, Fan); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Fang, Y (Fang, Yu). A Robust Infrared Small Target Detection Algorithm Based on Human Visual System. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. Volume: 11. Issue: 12. DEC 2014.
16、 Bai, Junfeng; Ma, Yong; Li, Jing; Li, Hao; Fang, Yu; Wang, Rui; Wang, Hongyuan. Good match exploration for thermal infrared face recognition based on YWF-SIFT with multi-scale fusion. INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 67. 2014.
17、 Fan Fan, Yong Ma*, Bo Zhou, Yu Fang, Jinhui Han, and Zhe Liu. A Scene Based Nonuniformity Correction Algorithm for Line Scanning Infrared Image. OPTICAL REVIEW. Volume: 21. Issue: 6. Dec 2014.
18、 Fang, Y (Fang, Yu); Li, H (Li, Hao); Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Hu, YJ (Hu, Yingjie). Zhang, SJ (Zhang, Shaojie); Wang, HY (Wang, Hongyuan). Dimensionality Reduction of Hyperspectral Images Based on Robust Spatial Information Using Locally Linear Embedding. IEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERS. Volume: 11. Issue: 10. OCT 2014
19、 Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Li, H (Li, Hao); Huang, J (Huang, Jun); Yao, Y (Yao, Yuan); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Fang, Y (Fang, Yu); Min, J (Min, Jun); Liang, K (Liang, Kun). Accurate measurement of high resolution spectrum obtained by F-P etalon and ICCD. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. Volume: 116. Issue: 3. SEP 2014
20、 Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Li, H (Li, Hao); Huang, J (Huang, Jun); Fang, Y (Fang, Yu); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo). Simulation of simultaneously obtaining ocean temperature and salinity using dual-wavelength Brillouin lidar. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS. Volume: 11, Issue: 3. MAR 2014.
21、 Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Li, H (Li, Hao); Gu, ZY (Gu, ZiYu); Ubachs, W (Ubachs, Wim); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Huang, J (Huang, Jun); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Wang, YQ (Wang, Yuanqing); Liang, K (Liang, Kun)*. Analysis of Rayleigh-Brillouin spectral profiles and Brillouin shifts in nitrogen gas and air. OPTICS EXPRESS. Volume: 22, Issue: 2. JAN 27 2014.
22、 Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Li, H (Li, Hao); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Yao, Y (Yao, Yuan); Fang, Y (Fang, Yu); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Huang, J (Huang, Jun); Min, J (Min, Jun); Liang, K (Liang, Kun)*. Experimental analysis on calibration of instrument broadening in a lidar system with Fabry-Perot etalon. OURNAL OF MODERN OPTICS. Volume: 60, Issue: 21. DEC 1 2013.
23、 Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Wang, SQ (Wang, Shengqing); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Mei, XG (Mei, Xiaoguang); Li, B (Li, Bin); Li, H (Li, Hao); Fan, F (Fan, Fan). An infrared image impulse noise suppression algorithm based on fuzzy logic. INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 60. SEP 2013
24、 Fang, Y (Fang, Yu); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Li, H (Li, Hao); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Wang, SQ (Wang, Shengqing); Wang, HY (Wang, Hongyuan). Rapid ultraspectral matching method based on crosscut feature extraction. OPTICAL REVIEW. Volume: 20. Issue: 3. MAY 2013.
25、 Huang, J (Huang, Jun); Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Li, H (Li, Hao); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Liang, K* (Liang, Kun). Processing method of spectral measurement using F-P etalon and ICCD. OPTICS EXPRESS. Volume: 20. Issue: 17. Published: AUG 13 2012
26、 Li, H (Li, Hao); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin). Rapid matching algorithm for hyperspectral image based norm sifting. CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS. Volume: 10. Issue: 1. JAN 10 2012.
27、 Li, H (Li, Hao); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Tian, Y (Tian, Yong); Wang, R (Wang, Rui). Parameters optimization for avelet denoising based on normalized spectral angle and threshold constraint machine learning. JOURNAL OF APPLIED REMOTE SENSING. Volume: 6. OCT 4 2012
28、 Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Fan, F (Fan, Fan); Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Li, H (Li, Hao); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Zhou, B *(Zhou, Bo). An analytical model for Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering spectra in gases. JOURNAL OF OPTICS. Volume: 14. Issue: 9. SEP 2012
29、 Junfeng Bai, Yong Ma*, Jing Li, Fan Fan, Hongyuan Wang. Novel averaging window ?lter for SIFT in infrared face recognition, Chinese Optics Letters, 2012, 9(8): 081002.
30、 Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Xie, Y (Xie, Yue); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Wang, R (Wang, Rui). A new adaptive contrast enhancement algorithm for infrared images based on double plateaus histogram equalization. INFRARED PHYSICS & TECHNOLOGY. Volume: 55. Issue: 4. JUL 2012
31、 Li, J (Li, Jing); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Zhou, QQ (Zhou, Qunqun); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Wang, HY (Wang, Hongyuan). Monte Carlo study on pulse response of underwater optical channel. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. Volume: 51. Issue: 6. JUN 2012
32、 Liang, K (Liang, Kun); Ma, Y (Ma, Yong); Yu, Y (Yu, Yin); Huang, J (Huang, Jun); Li, H (Li, Hao). Research on simultaneous measurement of ocean temperature and salinity using Brillouin shift and linewidth. OPTICAL ENGINEERING. Volume: 51. Issue: 6. JUN 2012.
33、 Li, J (Li, Jing); Ma, Y* (Ma, Yong); Zhou, QQ (Zhou, Qunqun); Zhou, B (Zhou, Bo); Wang, HY (Wang, Hongyuan). Channel capacity study of underwater wireless optical communications links based on Monte Carlo simulation. JOURNAL OF OPTICS. Volume: 14. Issue: 1. JAN 2012
34、 Liang, K (Liang, K.); Ma, Y (Ma, Y.); Huang, J* (Huang, J.); Li, H (Li, H.); Yu, Y (Yu, Y.). Precise measurement of Brillouin scattering spectrum in the ocean using F-P etalon and ICCD. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS. Volume: 105. Issue: 2. NOV 2011.
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